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Muslim Mirror
UmmidO, Texas clock boy's family !
Stay put in U.S., use the moment as venture capital
Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood
President, Zakat Foundation of India
The 13 year American Ahmad Mohamed, inventor of home-made clock with
digital display, was expecting a pat on the back from his school
teacher. Instead, she cold-shouldered him and advised him to not show it
to others. Later in the day his clock's alarm went off in another
teacher's class who alerted the Principal. Police was called in and
reportedly wanted the kid to accept in writing his 'guilt' of attempting
to make a bomb, he was suspended from school for 3 days, was handcuffed,
taken to a juvenile detention center and was intensely questioned. The
social media came to the kid's rescue and by the evening he was
'exonerated' and released.
Led by President Obama who invited and chatted this week with Ahmad in
the White House during an 'Astronomy Night' and the chiefs of Google and
Facebook the saner world reinvigorated the lad's spirits with virtually
a standing ovation. Offers of support poured in from within USA and
outside. In my opinion the ill treatment initially meted out to Ahmad
has been adequately restituted. Yet the family has reportedly decided to
move bag and baggage to the 'safer environs' of Qatar.
The family and its circle of friends and advisors need to reflect more
deeply on the scenario. Ahmad's questioning by the police mirrors the
post-USSR mindset that was carefully cultivated with a squinted eye on
vested interests and was widely publicized aiming at politico-diplomatic
hegemonist gains. Add to that the retaliatory cuff by some persons
claiming to shield Muslim interests. The net result is that as of today
the motive of an innocently normal individual action is likely to be
doubted if the doer's name or appearance suggests that he is Muslim.
Kudos to Ahmad and his parents, the kid did put his heart and mind into
making a device to facilitate the human life, the world needs such
acumen. Simultaneously, the world also needs the help of people like
Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai and Barack Obama to purge the globe of
motivated prejudices and negative branding. On the social media trail of
the Ahmad episode there are comments of both types but the more humane
ones win - statistically and qualitatively.
Dear family & friends of Ahmad ! The whole of a human being's existence
is not meant for the self; that's not the Creator's scheme. Substantial
part thereof belongs to the society. God said to the Messenger: They ask
you how much should they do for the sake of God; tell them to dedicate
to God the utilization of all of one's resources that are not
essentially needed by the owner family (Quran 2.219). The current
positive name & fame of Ahmad and his family and the hordes of offers
available to them on the platter are not to be under-utilized just
subserving Ahmad's and his family's interests. Use it wholesomely for
chipping off some of the negative mindset unjustifiably created against
the community.
Dear Ahmad's family & friends, God is watching you. Do not squander away
His bounties by parochially narrowing down and limiting their
deployment. Instead, use these as the 'venture capital'. Let Ahmad take
a cue from Malala Yusufzai. Let him stay put in America and be the
benign defiant face against prejudices and branding. Let him be inspired
by the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King,
Nelson Mandela. Grab the opportunity out of adversity. Individual
existence is transient, societal life has to last longer; that's God's
scheme. Be His partner in carrying the mission forward. Thank the
Qataris and respectfully decline their very kind offer. You are the
falcon who need not recline on the palace top; rather reconnoiter and
overwhelm the mountainous terrains.